[IGN-6295] Menu Tree component does not load in Perspective workstation

Attempted to load perspective project in workstation for the first time today and discovered that the Menu Tree component does not populate in workstation. It loads fine in Firefox/Chrome/Edge, but not workstation. Has anyone seen this behavior before?

We're currently tracking several Workstation display issues across multiple components. Could you provide some more information?

  • What version of Ignition are you using?
  • What sort of container is the Menu Tree a child of?
  • Is the Menu Tree in a Popup/Modal or a Docked View? If so, which?

In order:

  • Ignition Version 8.1.33
  • Flex Container (Column)
  • Popup On-click event

We're aware of Menu Trees not rendering as expected within Popups where the Menu Tree is within a Flex Container while using Workstation.

I'll note this thread in the internal ticket. No ETA on a fix.

Potential Workaround:
Try placing a Label as a sibling of the Menu Tree, and setting Label.meta.display to false. The ticket calls out that this seems to be an issue when the Menu Tree is the ONLY component in the Flex Container. It's not clear from the ticket whether the display state of the "additional" components is a factor, but adding this unused Label may allow you to move forward for now.


That makes it work for now, thanks for the quick response!

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I spoke too soon, I just logged back in and the behavior is intermittent at best when the textbox is visible. When the textbox is hidden the menu is missing again. No other work was done in the interim.


typo, label, I misnamed it "tboWorkaround" and it stuck as a textbox. it is a label.

What if instead of toggling the display state you specify a very small basis - something like 1px - while setting the grow setting to 0?

I tried that, the smallest it would occasionally render at was 10px, at 1px it reverted to the previous behavior

Curious... Okay, it sounds like you might be forced to wait for a fix if you can't change the layout from a Flex Container. Have you tried putting your Menu Tree into a Coordinate Container instead and swapping the render mode to percent, then setting the width/height to 1.0? It's not clear from the ticket what exactly about the Flex Container is the issue, so perhaps using a different container to achieve the same ends might allow for you to move forward.