[IGN-9757] Perspective Alarm Filtering by Display Path


I'm trying to filter alarms based on the alarm's display path. The process should be pretty simple, but I'm having some issues.

I will use the Hi and HiHi alarms as examples. The display paths are Pump PSI/PV/Hi and Pump PSI/PV/HiHi

When I use the display path exactly as listed, the table does not show any results.

There is nothing in the path before Pump, but adding a wild card before Pump and up to after PV works to show all the associated alarms.

Since I want to filter for HiHi and Hi, I modified the display path to (wildcard)Pump PSI/PV/H(wildcard) and nothing shows up. There are wild cards before and after the string so why doesn't the table show Hi and HiHi Alarms?

Thank you,

I’m not able to replicate this.

What version are you using?

I’m using Version: 8.1.1 (b2020120808)

I tried again to make sure I pressed enter after the wildcard. As soon as I press enter, the alarms disappear. Here is a little clip:


I just upgraded to 8.1.3 and I still have the same problem. Adding the wildcard after the last forward slash also hides all the alarms.

This is version 8.1.3

Version: 8.1.30 - there is still this problem

I have some problems in 8.1.35 as well.
In my case the problem seems to be that the asterix character is not able to match an absence of characters.
So if I search for the whole word (so the text matches exactly) and then add an asterix, I get "no match"

I found out that i had spaces in my "Display Path" and that was causing problems.

I just reproduced this too. It may be a bug; I'll log a ticket for it. For the time being, looks like the best workaround is surrounding the filter with wildcards.

After speaking with a Dev, I can provide a little bit of - hopefully helpful - insight into what's going on here.

The filtering done with the displayPath prop supposedly uses the same logic the Vision Alarm Table uses for the analogous property. Due to this, if the alarm does not have a configured Display Path, the filter will use the Source Path instead.

Screenshot of Vision Alarm Status Table Display Path Filter prop, which better describes how this filter is used:

This is understandably very confusing since the Perspective Alarm Table visibly displays a "Display Path" column which includes the name of the Alarm, and yet attempts to include the Alarm name result in no matches. We're going to bring this up with the team in charge of Alarms to see how to best move forward.

Also, we do clarify this behavior in the docs.