I am trying to restore an old Ignition project (7.8.3) to my computer to view screens in designer. I am on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and have installed Java 8 JRE and JDK.
I also install IcedTea to allow the use of "javaws". When I try to run the designer JNLP file with javaws I get an error that the Pack200 method is not available. This should be available in Java 8. I am not sure why it is not working. Here is the error:
Dropped long ago. You'll have to install a much older java8. I used to keep some old java installers around, but haven't handled anything older than v7.9.x in a very long time.
Ok, I thought they didn't drop Pack200 until Java 14. I will try an older version if possible. Thanks!
Consider installing the JDK instead of the JRE--that might have it.
Thanks for your help. I tried installing the JDK and it still doesn't work. I think I will need to spin up a VM of an older version of Ubuntu and install Java 7.