Hi all,
Reaching out with questions I have and can't seem to find the answer to on the online Ignition resources.
Firstly, will there be any updates in Ignition 8.3 regarding user authentication through Active Directory? What really interests us is being able to display Password Expiry information inside Ignition Vision and the functionality to change and reset passwords on the Active Directory.
Secondly, once Ignition 8.3 is released what is the upgrade process from Ignition 8.1.38? Will new licenses be required?
I think the only change I heard about with regard to AD is that nested groups may work. Right now only groups that a user is a direct member of are used, but no groups that are members of other groups. (and I could be completely wrong on this, but I keep thinking I heard a discussion about this in a breakout room at ICC).
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@michael.flagler is correct - we'll have nested AD group support in 8.3. We are also introducing the ability to map arbitrary attributes from the user entry in AD over into a property on the user object in Ignition.
@patryk.labuzek - we have no plans for first class support of password expiration capabilities with the AD user source. The AD user sources interact with AD in a read-only way. If you have any ideas for new features, please submit them to the Ideas Portal. The above two enhancements were prioritized because of overwhelming demand in part thanks to the below ideas portal requests: