Ignition and JoramMQTT

I’m using Ignition with MQTT Engine module, together with JoramMQ MQTT broker.
Since today, MQTT Engine always disconnect from the broker with the following errors

CirrusClient 10Nov2021 14:25:39 ME-8ecb58ac-1568-47ce: MQTT Client connected to tcp://localhost:8883 on thread Thread-3530
history 10Nov2021 14:25:39 Error storing tag history data
CirrusClient 10Nov2021 14:25:39 ME-8ecb58ac-1568-47ce: Connected to tcp://localhost:8883
CirrusClient 10Nov2021 14:25:39 ME-8ecb58ac-1568-47ce: connect with retry succeeded
CirrusClient 10Nov2021 14:25:38 ME-8ecb58ac-1568-47ce: Creating the MQTT Client to tcp://localhost:8883 on thread Thread-3530
CirrusClient 10Nov2021 14:25:38 ME-8ecb58ac-1568-47ce: Failed to subscribe on topic JPG/# with QoS=0
CirrusClient 10Nov2021 14:25:38 ME-8ecb58ac-1568-47ce: Failed to subscribe on topic Gemenos/# with QoS=0
EngineCallback 10Nov2021 14:25:38 Connection lost due to - Timed out waiting for a response from the server
EngineCallback 10Nov2021 14:25:38 Connection Lost to - MQTT-Broker-PreProd :: tcp://localhost:8883 :: ME-8ecb58ac-1568-47ce
EdgeNodeManager 10Nov2021 14:25:38 Disconnecting any Nodes currently connected to this MQTT Server! 1
EngineCallback 10Nov2021 14:25:38 Clear out all connection counts to this MQTT Server

As anyone already met this kind of issue ?

Needless to say the broker is well alive, I’m connected to it through other clients without issues

I’m having the same issue when I add certain custom namespaces…

The same issue with me. I'm getting these messages:

IgnitionMQ: on connection to Mosquitto - Failed to subscribe on [shellies/+/info, shellies/+/input/0, shellies/+/online, shellies/+/relay/0] with QoS=[0, 0, 0, 0]

On top of that some tags stopped beeing updated by the MQTT Engine with no reason or log message. Restart of Ignition didn't help.

Were you able to resolve this?

We solved the issue eventually, but I'm unsure what we did, it has been a while...