Ignition and Siemens Sicam P855 32bit and 64bit values special encoding values

Hello guys.
Did anyone of you worked with Siemens Sicam P855 Power Quality Analyzer with special encoding register Values ? I can provide more information.

Hello Again , i manage to read those 64bit values with special encoding. If you ever need to read the Specific power Analyzer dont hesitate to reply here, so i can help you out.

Feel free to explain now, so if someone looks for it a year from now, they'll find this answer immediately.

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Hi Phil you are right , i need to run a simulation test with a plc to check the value range that it wont be affected, if its ok i will post the solution here.
This is a 64bit Register value for measuring KWh which is a long number. I dont have any other way of reading the value with another modbus tool or app , so i have to generate some similar values to a plc with python and read those values from 4 registers. If its ok i will show how to adjust the settings.