Ignition Architecture Builder - Any plans to host publicly by IA?

I saw this demo'd at ICC and it looks to be an awesome resource to help with architecting both simple and enterprise-level architectures, taking server resource requirements into account.

It's useful as an Exchange resource to deploy locally, but are there any plans for IA to host this publicly? This would make it even more accessible without requiring Ignition installed locally.


Maybe as part of their online demo.inductiveautomation.com...

What would make this great is if the app would query the IA website for pricing, making the prices current.


Plus the ability to apply discounts based on integrator status. What most likely won't be able to be accounted for is exchange rate though for those of us outside the US, but that's where quotes come into play

What session at ICC was this demo'd in?

It wasn't in a session, it was in the 2nd floor hallway area. I didn't see it there until someone pointed it out to me

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There are no concrete plans to host this publicly right now, though the introduction of Workspaces would certainly support the idea. The tool's current Third Party Module implementation is designed to allow each user the ability to modify their copy of the project to support the Third Party Modules they use or offer publicly or privately.

Workspaces is also planned to have a module pricing API that the tool can be updated to leverage. The tool was built to be completely standalone, allowing integrators and end users alike to run the project offline with all of the module and pricing information readily available.

A flat discount rate is already exposed as a session property within the tool. Simply set session.discount to the percent discount you want applied. For example, session.discount = 10 would apply a 10% discount to all module selections as well as apply the proper support discount.

Please note that this tool is not meant to be a replacement for quotes from Inductive Automation - Workspaces will fulfill that role in the near future. Rather, this tool is meant to document existing or hypothetical deployments including the ancillary items that interact with Ignition.


We've created a new thread dedicated to supporting the Ignition Architecture Builder. Please post questions, comments, suggestions, and bugs here. We look forward to everyone's input!