I have setup a ModbusRTU connection via RS232 which is valid since i am able to read the values from the device using qModMaster, but Ignition doesnt connect to it - status changes from Disconnected to Connecting and back to Disconnected.
I am using one of those converters:
Teyleten Robot USB to RS485 485 Converter Adapter CH340T Chip

My settings (sorry for poor quality, i had to improvise):
Dont mind the toggled RS-485 mode, i toggled it just to check it out since i had no other idea.
What have you tried? What's in the logs? Is the device status "Connected"? What address / OPC Item Path are you trying to read?
Since im new to Ignition, i`ll have to say that i dont know how to check the logs. Device status was changing all the time: Disconnected - Connecting - Disconnected again. I wasnt trying any specific addresses, since i couldnt connect to the device at all. But as i said, i was able to connect to the device via qModMaster.
Not being able to "connect" with Modbus RTU means not being able to open the serial port.
Usually this means you have it configured incorrectly (wrong COM port, etc...), or don't have permission, or something else already has that port open.
Probably best bet is to call support and let them help you.
I'd assume its because of the ch340 drivers maybe?
If you must use a USB-to-Serial interface, you will have best results with those built with an FTDI chipset.
I will try it out and post the results.