Ignition + Cirrus Link MQTT Engine and Tag Providers

We’re in the process of implementing MQTT in our Ignition systems, but I’ve realized I might not fully understand how things work on the Engine side.

We currently have a single backend Ignition gateway with multiple sites connected. These sites are already in production, using Perspective HMIs populated by remote tag providers in our current setup.

We connected a test site to our new environment using MQTT, and I noticed that all the tags coming into the Engine are being created within the Engine tag provider. The problem is, our HMIs have hundreds of bindings that point to tags using the [site-name]/path/to/tag structure. I was under the impression that I could maintain this setup, with a tag provider subscribing to the relevant topics for each site.

Can someone help clarify how this should work and what steps I need to take?

(crossed posted this on cirrus link forum)

That's the way engine works. All tags come into Engine under their respective nodes. In the newest version, you can supposedly combine them into a UNS, but they will be under a single tag provider still. MQTT is really intended to be used for slow/low bandwidth connections, so if you're not in that scenario, you're still probably better off using remote tag providers.

Was there some issue with the gateway network you were having, or are these sites on low bandwidth connections?

Inductive pushed us towards MQTT as we are anticipating 5-7 million tags over the next few years and we were told ignition gateway would struggle with this. Some individual sites could have anywhere from 250-750k tags.

If you wanted to split this out to separate tag providers, you'd need to create a new tag provider for each site, then build reference tag UDTs that reference the appropriate tags in the Engine module.

But back to the original problem, and I think this would be worse rather than better. Reason being is that all tag updates sent through MQTT would get pushed to the central Ignition gateway regardless of whether they're used or not on the central system. So unless you're only pushing a small subset of tags over MQTT, this would be worse I would think.

I would have to understand your system better and how you're using it, but it sounds like you'll need to start scaling differently or re-architect how it's built to better handle the upcoming growth.

We are moving from a single, central gateway, to more of a scale out architecture. With multiple backend gateways, each handling only a few sites each.

My guess would be that's a better approach than moving to MQTT. It should distribute the load and allow you to grow the system by adding new servers as needed.