Ignition client becomes very slow after serveral hours

Hello experts,

I recently statup a vision project. one scada server + SQL server. and serveral clients connecting to the server. Vision 8.1 setup no redundancy.

At start-up of a client, everything is OK, but then everything is very laggy from switching a screen on the tabviewer. I setup the server ram to 4 gb and the client also to 4gb, like some suggest in previous dicussions. Also the garbage garbage collector is set to G1 GC. But no succes. I use a TIA siemens S7-1500 1517PN CPU. The load for accessing the data from the PLC is not in overload. Are there any tools to check, maybe i have internal error that processes to many things over time? The Server runs with an I7 core and haves 32gigs of ram.

It is not a problem when we restart each client.
I setup a likwise installation 3 years ago and there is no problem. Only we changed some UDT's and templates.

It would be nice if somebody can help me in wich direction i must search. Because it is very annoying for my client.

Thanks in advance.

Do you call system.alarm.queryStatus at all in the client? Or perhaps scripted calls to execute queries? All of these will lock the gui until the queries return from the gateway. The more calls you have, the more the gui will be locked for. I've seen this cause significant client lag issues, in particular calling queryStatus

Hello nminchin,

I use it for my header for how many active alarms:

So one of these would cause the lage then? Do i need to specify this with a memory tag and scripting then?

Thanks for the quick reply!


It looks like that function library (system.alert) was deprecated in version 7.6, but I'd try disabling that for now and see if the issue is still there.

I call the system.alarm.queryStatus function periodically in a gateway timer event and write to a bunch of alarm summary tags which hold the counts of active alarms for the folder they're contained in. The the client just subscribes to the tags in bindings


Yep, I just done this. I put it in a gatway timer event and then write is to a memory tags on the gateway. Client now only check the tag now. Maybe that's the problem.

I will evaluate this. Thanks in advance!

Then it isn't a server problem.

You will want to study the threads running and memory usage in your clients while the get slow. Use the diagnostics available from a Vision client's help menu to watch these.

I suspect a memory leak. You may need support looking over your shoulder to diagnose that.



Still no succes. I even open a client on the sada server itself. Let it open for a full day. And becomes slow. What is see is that the sawtooth in the ram memory faded and it fell to 1,2 Gb.

I asked Ignition for support on this.

Greeting Nick

That's what you should see

Hello Everybody,

So what was the problem. I use Tabstrips. In setting i hided some of them, with bindings that no longer excists. But even if they were hided and miss linked. Ignition still tries to evaluate them. After few hours an time-out increased so high my clients became very slow.

Solution: Never use the hide option for tabs in tabstrip. Just delete them and insert them later if you can and link them correctly.

The setup is now running smoothly with a sawtooth in memory ussage.