Ignition connection to Azure SQL Database


I’m having trouble connecting to an Azure SQL database from a separate Igniton server. This is how I set it up:
Microsoft SQLServer JDBC Driver
Connect URL: jdbc:sqlserver://SQL server name.database.windows.net
Username: SQL user name
databaseName=Existing database in SQL server

What should I use as the instanceName?
Do I also need to allow port 1433 or 1434 as a firewall outbound rule on the Ignition server?
I can connect to the database via SQL management studio on the Ignition server, so the Azure SQL server is allowing connections from the Ignition server.


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Haha I just dealt with this the other week. It’s your user name.

username needs to be in the format of: username@hostname

username@SQL server name.database.windows.net


Oh great! @Paullys50 Thanks for your reply! It’s working for me now.

Some updates:
Connect URL: jdbc:sqlserver://SQL server name.database.windows.net:1433 (no , port optional)
Username works without the “.database.windows.net” as well
No port configuration required on the Ignition server



Thanks Again Paully (im on plctalk.net as well)

I found that azure gives a good JDBC Connection string to start with in the portal you can get them.
thought i would add that for anyone else.