Ignition Core Certification updates

Is there any concern about the flood of exams that will need to be graded when Nov 13th rolls around or will it be changed to an online test at that point?

The Advanced/Gold exam structure and experience is not changing much, we are updating the question content. So it is still considered a traditional manually graded exam. The Study Guide we have highlights the general knowledge checks one would expect on an advanced test: Topics Covered | Inductive Automation Training

There are changes we've made, and will make, as the updated advanced test is released to ensure they can be graded at a fair interval. So while our grading queue is always on our mind, I am not overly concerned since the test takes everyone a variable amount of time to complete, and because the new test will be available for quite some time before any certs expire. Meaning people who are looking to renew it sooner will have that opportunity.


Great, I done the gold certification this year and my colleagues want to do the certification in a few months. It would be inconvenient if we had to do the certification again on version 8.3.

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