Ignition Designer Laucher errors when trying to open a launcher

I just had this issue happen to me as well.

I had to delete the whole .ignition folder in my user directory. Deleting just the runtime did not solve the problem.

Thanks for the fix!


Yes, I had to do that for my user.

Any help .. i have tried all above methods but not working

You could try reinstalling the launcher

Tried reinstalling both gateway and designer ... infact i cleared all cached runtime then, uninstalled gateway and designer then again, installed both still had the same issues faced

CRC corruption suggests something is modifying the jars in transit from gateway to workstation. Antivirus is the most common culprit. If not that, then I would run a thorough low-level memory check--as the next most common culprit would be failing hardware.


Tried all Methods but not working

Does it work on a different machine? If so, I'd suspect the hardware of the current machine.

@dan.carter , there is a \ missing.

You should use:

With your username instead of "arcob". Also, "11.0.9" might differ. For me it is 11.0.15 so you need to check in your error message which is it in your case.

Hi, I'm a new user at my company and am getting the above error. I looked through the posts above and it seems my problem is with 11.0.17. Deleting the cached runtime at C:\Users\jpadmin\.ignition\cache\resources\runtimes will fix the problem for me, but won't negatively impact anyone else, correct?

That's right.

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Thanks so much. I didn't wanna do it and break something.

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