Ignition-devs GitHub org

Remember when I said this when I shared some news about the ignition-api Python package?

DISCLAIMER: Yes, that was me. But I cannot change my handle, so here we are.

Well, have I got news for you!

The ignition-api package source code has got a new home under the ignition-devs GitHub organization.


Because I needed a place for a new project, and wanted to reduce the number of orgs I manage.

What's in there?

There you will find some of the Python projects I've worked on and released to the public, like:

  • ignition-api
  • incendium

Which used to be an Ignition Exchange project, but now it's pure scripting.

Is there something new?

Yes, there is; a few things, to be honest.

  • ignition-copier-templates
  • devcontainer-base

That's all for now.

See you at ICC 2024!