Ignition docker image

In my day to day work I need to switch between Windows and Linux on my same PC. To be able to edit the same Ignition project on both systems I thought to use an Ignition docker container on the Linux side and mount-bind the Windows-Ignition c:\Program Files\Inductive Automation\Ignition\data\ folder to the Docker-Ignition /usr/local/bin/ignition/data folder. Unfortunately what I see is that after editing the project on the Linux side, I’m no more able to start Ignition on the Windows side: what’s doing Linux on the data folder to compromise even Windows-Ignition service start?

Thanks in advance, regards

The workflow you describe is definitely a unique one. There are some minor differences in configuration files between Linux/macOS and Windows Ignition gateways (that are typically automatically translated when restoring a GWBK from one OS platform to another). That is my first guess as to where things are going wrong. The second suspicion is that filesystem permissions are coming into play across this OS/filesystem boundary. I have a couple of clarifying questions:

  1. Are you dual-booting then between Linux and Windows on the same PC? If so, are you using some kind of r/w filesystem driver on the Linux side to mount the Windows NTFS partition (to make it available to your Docker container)?
  2. Do you have any logs from the failed startup on the Windows side? Start by looking at the logs/wrapper.log and if nothing appears there, perhaps look in Event Viewer for more OS-fundamental service startup errors.

More on the general side of things, I’m assuming that what you need to do on Linux cannot be achieved through the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2)? Obviously, if you didn’t have to dual-boot it would simplify things.

Hi Collins, thanks for your answer. Yes I dual-boot my PC, because on the Linux side I have some tools I don't find in the MS world.
That said, as you stated, a backup from docker and restore into Windows does the job, but it is rather cumbersome.

Not really: I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 and mount the Windows partition just adding the corresponding entry in the fstab file - to be honest I'm not such an expert in the Linux world.

Next time I do the Linux to Windows switch, I'll take a snapshot of the Ignition wrapper.log file and I'll be back to you.

Thanks, regards

Pssst! Run Windows in a VM so the bare metal can run Linux all of the time. Create and expose a volume in Linux as a Samba share so the VM can exchange files. This approach gives you simultaneous access to your Linux tools and your Windows tools.

(It will also dramatically simplify your life the next time you upgrade your laptop/workstation.)

Just curious @pturmel. What is your go-to distribution of Linux?

Kubuntu LTS. (Waiting for 22.04.1 to come out before I switch from 20.04.)

But note that running VMs and containers for major software insulates you quite a bit from the vagaries of the different distros. I like the KDE desktop and I like Canonical’s support model (especially the repo setups), so Kubuntu is the natural choice.

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Hi pturmel, you are right, but to do that I need to buy another Windows license and I don't want to: my PC came with a default Windows installation - as is (mostly) usual - and I don't want to pay more for that.

Thanks, regards

If your Windows install is a Professional version, you can legally move it into your VM (last I checked, IANAL, etc).

That said, spending a couple hundred dollars for a Windows license will save you more than enough hours of switching back and forth to justify it.

Since my current laptop came with Linux pre-installed, and I wanted to keep my old Win7 install for emergencies, I purchased a Win10 license just for my latest VM. More than worth it.