Ignition Edge Designer

Is the Ignition Edge Designer a different piece of software than the Ignition Gateway Designer?
I’m using an edge device, I need to add mqtt tags.
I hit Launch Designer, but it downloads a JNLP file that I can’t use.
I have designer already installed from the Ignition Gateway software front page, but when I point it to the ignition edge gateway address,
it tells me SSL Certificate Not Found.

What should I do?
Do I really need to install an SSL certificate?

Did you use a URL with “https” in it when you pointed it at the Edge gateway?

I used http://
but have tried both anyways.


The self signed certificate by Ignition says it is invalid, do you know how to resolve this?
Do I need to re-install?

If you have SSL enabled on your Edge gateway but it’s not a real certificate then you need to import it into the Designer Launcher so it can be trusted.


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