I am trying to connect multiple Modbus TCP devices in Ignition Edge (Version: 8.0.9 (b2020021812)) and I am only able to successfully connect up to 2 devices.
In one instance the " Create new Device " link disappears and I am not able to connect more devices.
On the second edge gateway the " Create new Device " link disappeared after adding the third device in which case only two devices connect and are working properly, the third one does not even show up in the Connected Device status page.
From the Inductive Automation Website I can’t be certain if the Ignition Edge IIoT licence has a tag and device limit.
Would you be able to tell me if that particular licences has a tag and device limit?
If it does, is there a posibility to get a licence that has no limit on the number of tags and devices and includes the MQTT plugin?