Ignition edge - raspberry pi

Hi guys,

So I recently installed ignition edge on a raspberry pi. After completing the installation I was able to run ignition and open it in the browser.

For some reason it just no longer runs. The browser does not open and I have the following error in the terminal


Ignition 8 technically dropped support for 32bit OS. However there’s an “unsupported” guide to starting it up in the knowledge base. I’ll try to find a link


Only for 32-bit x86. For ARM 32-bit is still supported and the most common.

@mcallister.krohne find the ignition wrapper.log file and upload it here so we can see if there’s information about why it won’t start. I think if you’re using the installer it’s in /var/lib/ignition or something? I’m not sure…

Hi Kevin,

I was able to resolve the problem. I had a mistake in the path that lets ignition start on reboot.