Ignition Edge to Ignition Basic

If we are to take a PC which has Ignition Edge on it and would like to run Ignition Basic, are we able to install Ignition right over the top of Edge by performing an upgrade? Are there any extra steps which need to be taken such as uninstalling Edge? Right now, this pertains to a Linux environment, but it would be good to know for Windows too. Are there any extra steps which need to be taken? Of course, we would make a backup beforehand. I'm not sure that this makes a difference but we're using Vision in this application.

Thanks. This covers moving a gateway from Edge to Full. Is there anything else if using the same PC and installing over the top of Edge?

If it were me I would:

1.Take a gateway backup
2. Uninstall Edge
3. Install "full" (normally referred to as full btw, not basic)
4. Follow the steps @pturmel outlined in his reply in that above-linked thread

That's what I'll do. I typically call it Full but I'm not sure IA calls it Full anywhere in their literature. I used Basic as it's one of the available packages.


The official nomenclature is "standard edition", as distinguished from edge/maker/cloud editions.

Looks like your friends at Opto need to be advised of this;