Ignition Edge View

It is possible to view an ignition edge vision screen, basically screen mirror, from within a normal ignition project? I want to have plant level PLCs, connected to edge, then be able to remotely view exactly what the operator is seeing and reflect any updates from the edge level. I can't seem to find the correct keyworks to search, so any help / advice / options are appreciated.


If you want to see what the operator is seeing then you probably need VNC in read-only mode. There have been several discussions on the forum. For example, VNC Connection from Perspective page.

Thanks. Would it be a similar solution if I needed to see the same edge vision "project" from the main gateway? What I mean is that I may be viewing a different page than the operator, but what I can view is exactly the same. I just want a way that if I update an edge project, the main ignition server reflects those changes and the exact same pages are available to view. I hope that makes sense.

Sorry, I've never used Edge so I can't offer any other advice.

You might have some luck with EAM.

My team does this all the time with our global HMI Edge deployments. Here are the 2 options that we use:

  1. Direct to HMI - Our network architechture allows us to reach the HMI WAN IP address, so we can navigate to [HMI_IP_Address]:8088/data/perspective/client/[ProjectName] (for non-SSL) to see exactly what the operators see. Edge only allows 2 clients though so you need to be carefull about how many people are doing this. This also by default give direct access to the HMI for full read/write so be carefull again! You should be able to set up your security zones to make non local IP's read only.
  2. Remote tag provider on your main Ignition server - This option may not mimic the HMI 100% but for us its usually good enough. You will have to set up your HMI as a remote tag provider on your main Ignition server. Duplicate the HMI project on the main server and point all tag references to that remote tag provider. This is how we typically view what is going on with our global HMI fleet as we set up our remote tag providers as read only and we can have unlimited # of clients this way.

Option 1 won't work for what they're asking since they're on Vision, and option 2 requires duplicating the HMI project, plus still doesn't allow them to see the exact screen the operator sees.

The best solution for this is what @Transistor mentioned in using VNC. Guacamole can be run in a docker container to achieve this easily on Linux or Windows and fulfills all the requirements (no updates to main Ignition when edge is updated, seeing the exact thing the operators see, etc)

Ahh indeed! Sorry, just realizing this is Vision, not Perspective :man_facepalming: