Ignition Edge Vision Client Screen Lock

Can anyone tell me where to look for a problem when a vision client screen gets locked up? We have Panel PCs with Ignition Edge Panel. When a user touches a button that writes to tags (using bi-directional custom properties, not the writeBlocking script) the screen locks up and they cannot touch anything else on the screen.

I say touch because I was remoted in via VNC and could click around when the local user could not.

Anyone have any ideas on what could be locking up the screen?

What version of Ignition is this?

The best way to troubleshoot this is to get a thread dump from the Vision Client application. Newer versions do this automatically when something blocks the UI thread long enough.

This suggests it isn't an Ignition problem, but an OS problem.

Ooh, yeah, I didn't catch that. Sounds like the touch screen / drivers are not responding.

It's Ignition 8.1.23, what's odd about all this is it happens on every single Panel PC I have, no matter the vendor/manufacturer. That's why it makes me think is something I'm doing in the vision screens/edge gateway.

Does it do the same in both Windows and Linux?

Not sure, I do have some with Linux and some with Windows. In the beginning, I had just Linux and was using Perspective with Workstation and I never heard of this problem but as soon as I started using Vision, this problem happened.

I will have a job coming up that has 4 Edge devices with a mixture of both Windows and Linux. I will check that out if it acts the same on Windows and Linux, yesterday's issue was on Windows.

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