Ignition Gateway disconnection

Hi all,

Yesterday we had a brief period where all of our perspective sessions and my designer session lost connection to the gateway server. Looking through the logs, the only entry around the time of the brief outtage was:

Tried to perform RPC operation on an unrecognized session. May indicate that the previous session was lost. Create RPC listener for new session id.

This was followed by a bunch of WebSocket disconnected from session/Client re-synchronizing messages.

The only info that our team has found about the RPC message is from 2012 and doesn't really seem to fit what happened.

Does anyone have any newer/more information on this log message and/or what might have caused the brief gateway disconnection?

That fits the typical pattern of messages that are side effects of network outages. I would ask the IT group responsible for your networking (and maybe hypervisor infra) what happened.

Could this problem cause a deadlock?

If you’re experiencing a deadlock then you can download and send us a thread dump that definitively pinpoints the cause.

Thanks, I will.
What is the best way to contact, by email?

Looks like you contacted supported, which is the right place.

I should have mentioned that the thread dump needs to be taken while the deadlock is happening to be useful.

I will need to wait until happens again today during the night.