Ignition gateway restore and rename process (history bug?)

Good morning,

We have experienced a couple of weird processes when restoring gateway backups and how tag history is put into the database.
We have two environments, both running 8.1.41:
DEVIGN01: This is our main development environment, runs on its own system, full installation, db etc. Gateway name is 'DEVIGN01'
TESTIGN01: This is our main test environment, exact same environment as above. Gateway name is 'DEVIGN01'

Both environments are storing tag history to the postgres sqlth_1_data tables that ignition creates. Now where it gets weird: When we restore DEVIGN01 backup on TESTIGN01 and choose the option to rename the gateway to 'TESTIGN01'. Once it is completed and we start to historize it will create a new sqlth table and the corresponding scinfo and drv entries. Data will be inserted into these new tables until we restart the gateway and then the inserts go back to sqlth_1_data. Before the gateway restart we also can not query any information from the sqlth_1_data table through taghistory bindings and those paths.
We tried the restore without changing the name, once the restore completed and we manually changed the gateway name back to 'TESTIGN01' we noticed that this forced the system to work as intended. No extra sqlth tables or entries where created.

Has anyone found this as a bug or should we just change the process to restore and then restart immediately. If you need any additional information please let me know.

I have observed this as well. We changed our procedure to also stop connection to DB (and other connections) before backup, then perform restore w/ config updates, restart, then re-enable connections.
Perhaps unrelated... from Release Notes of 8.1.45 (currently rc1):

Tag Historian - Fixed an issue when changing the Gateway System Name that could result in duplicate entries in the sqlth_drv table.