Ignition Gateway Stuck on Loading Screen After SSL Implementation

I've recently set up Ignition on my server (running on port 8088), and it was working properly over HTTP. However, after implementing SSL with a subdomain, I'm experiencing issues.

Current Setup:

  • Ignition Gateway running on port 8088 (HTTP)
  • Successfully obtained and installed SSL certificate
  • Created subdomain pointing to my server IP address
  • SSL is now enforced

Issue: When I try to access the Ignition gateway through my subdomain with HTTPS, the interface gets stuck on the loading screen (screenshot attached). The browser just shows the loading animation indefinitely.

What I've Tried:

  • The certificate is properly installed
  • The subdomain correctly resolves to my IP address
  • Regular HTTP access on port 8088 still works without SSL

I'm new to configuring Ignition with SSL and suspect I might be missing a configuration step between Nginx (handling SSL) and Ignition. Does Ignition require additional configuration to work with a reverse proxy for SSL termination?

Any guidance on properly configuring Ignition to work with an SSL proxy would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

You usually have to tell the gateway to not auto-detect URLs, and tell it to always use the complete domain name that matches the certificate.

Thank for the response, Please can you throw more light on this, with direction, are you referring to the gateway.xml file should i go there and specify my subdomain

Like this
sub domain

No, here, at Config => Networking => Web Server:

Turn off auto-detect. Fill in the other fields. The "Public Address" would be your complete domain name (matching the certificate).

Make sure all clients use the domain name when force redirect is turned on.

thank you sir, but after doing the above you asked we are still stuck on thesame screen i can access the gateway but i cant access the project stuck on connecting... thing

Ok. That helps. Are you sure you have your proxy configured to permit websockets?

(Your gateway logs probably have clues to this.)

I have not done any proxy configuration to permit websockets how can do that sir , with guide

I don't use nginx. In apache, you enable the proxy_wstunnel module and it Just Works™.

Perhaps this helps you:

I dont have any of this nginx or apache server set on my instance in aws, just my domain pointing to my ip. is there any thing i can do from here

I don't know anything about AWS. Your OP says you are using nginx for your SSL. :man_shrugging:

Have you looked at your wrapper log file for websocket errors?

Perhaps it is time to open a support ticket.