Ignition + Ignition Edge on Same PC - Issues With Ports

Hi there! I am testing Ignition Edge on an HMI and needed to set up my PC to run both the Ignition Gateway and the Ignition Edge Gateway simultaneously. I got Ignition to run on the default http port 8088, and Edge to run on http port 8000 on my PC.

However, I have two problems: The first is that the Edge Gateway on my PC is accessible at localhost:8000 but on the HMI its visible on localhost:8088.
So basically you are looking at the following IP addresses/ports:

Ignition on PC: xx.xx.xx.167:8088
Ignition Edge on PC: xx.xx.xx.167:8000
Ignition Edge on HMI: xx.xx.xx.60:8088

Note that I cannot type in xx.xx.xx.167:8088 OR :8000 on the HMI. I am literally just trying to access/view the Edge gateway that is on the PC from the HMI, not have a separate gateway on the HMI, which is what seems to be happening. I created a project in the designer on my PC that I just want to view on the HMI. Any suggestions on how to do this? Thanks so much in advance!!

I did not know you can run normal Ignition and Edge on the same PLC.
We have a pc installed regular Ignition on it, when I activate it with Edge Panel License, it automatically turn in to an edge gateway, other features are gone, there options to load different project, cannot change tag provider.

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Not sure if that was a typo on your part or not but…not on a PLC…but yes, you can run both on the same PC. Here is the thread that I found that information on: Installing Ignition Edge 8.0.3 on the same computer that has Ignition 8.0.3 - #4 by James.Lorenz

To resurrect this post...here's a simplified question! If you've successfully set up both the Ignition and Ignition Edge gateways on your PC, is it possible to connect an HMI to the Edge Gateway on your PC, and view a project? If so, how? Do I need to install the Designer on the HMI or can I just load the project from the Gateway? Thanks in advance!