Ignition Maker Edition / FordConnect API Issues

Hello everyone,

I am attempting to get connected to the Ford API in order to integrate my truck into my home automation dashboard I am creating for my home.

I went through the documentation and got everything working with Postman, however when I try to use ignition scripts to hit the API, but for some reason will not work. I believe I have everything formatted the same as postman, but it still is not working. Below are some screenshots of my script and then screenshots of Postman with a valid response. I will also include pictures of the headers that Postman is sending to the URL as well as body context.

Refresh Token API Call "Valid response / not showing the token for security reasons" (Postman)

Headers (same API Call)

Body (also same API Call)

Now on the scripting side I have the refresh_token populated in a tag as well as client_secret and client_id (here is a picture of my script with the result)

Update: I got part of it working, however I noticed in a different Ignition post on the forum that there is no support for multipart/form-data in ignition at this time. Is that still true? The post was from 2022.

I have used the multipart/form-data content type before - the only caveat is you have to manually create the boundary and format the fields within the form. Here is a code snippet I pulled from a previous project:

def jsonToMultipartFormData(json): 
	Translates the application/json content type to 
	the multipart/form-data type for easier processing
	import mimetypes 
	import os  
	boundary = "----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZuOgW" 
	CRLF = "\r\n" 
	body = "" 

	for key, value in json.items(): 
		body += '--' + boundary + CRLF  
		body += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="{}"'.format(key) + CRLF  
		body += CRLF  
		body += str(value) + CRLF 
	body += '--' + boundary + '--' + CRLF 
	content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary={}'.format(boundary) 
	return { "content_type": content_type, "body": body }

Just to warn you, the code formatting might be messed up because I had to send it to myself through Teams, but that should give you an idea of what you can do to use that MIME type.

I wrote this code what seems like years ago, so I don't remember the exact usage, but I believe what gets returned from this function would end up as your httpClient's body (Postman terminology).

I'm posting a screenshot of

  1. My script that I'm attempting to use in order to get a response from an API.
  2. The way your script formatted it as multipart/form-data
  3. The response from the API

I have the grant_type parameter in the payload so I'm assuming its not formatted as form-data correctly?