Hello everyone,
I have a perspective table that has already a multi-color enhancement based on values.
I was wondering if it was possibile to make the selected row stand out (maybe using a border around the three columns??) ; using color alone doesn't cut it.
Any suggestions??
Thanks in advance,
I don't agree with that statement! It is very hard on the eyes, reduces contrast on some background colors and is garish.
Figure 1. Setting a wide left border to a cell allows a built-in indicator without having to add a column. Text remains high contrast and row-select looks as normal.
Style definition looks like this.
"city": {
"align": "center",
"editable": true,
"justify": "left",
"style": {
"classes": "",
"border": "pink",
"borderWidth": "0 0 0 40px",
"borderStyle": "solid",
"marginTop": "1px"
"value": "Folsom"
"country": "United States",
"population": 77271
- You could move borderWidth, borderStyle and marginTop into a style class and call that in the style.
- You could apply the same style to every cell on the row, if required.
Thanks for your response...
Sorry for the color combination it was just an example and to express the difficulty I am having to have the selected row stand out....
so basically I cannot outline the selected row and need to implement something along the lines you mentioned ??
It's probably defined in the CSS theme somewhere. I had a look with the browser Developer Tools but couldn't see it.
ok... appreciate your help