Ignition Perspective, highlight selected row

Hello everyone,
I have a perspective table that has already a multi-color enhancement based on values.
I was wondering if it was possibile to make the selected row stand out (maybe using a border around the three columns??) ; using color alone doesn't cut it.

Any suggestions??

Thanks in advance,


I don't agree with that statement! It is very hard on the eyes, reduces contrast on some background colors and is garish.

Subtle color indicator 2
Figure 1. Setting a wide left border to a cell allows a built-in indicator without having to add a column. Text remains high contrast and row-select looks as normal.

Style definition looks like this.

  "city": {
    "align": "center",
    "editable": true,
    "justify": "left",
    "style": {
      "classes": "",
      "border": "pink",
      "borderWidth": "0 0 0 40px",
      "borderStyle": "solid",
      "marginTop": "1px"
    "value": "Folsom"
  "country": "United States",
  "population": 77271
  • You could move borderWidth, borderStyle and marginTop into a style class and call that in the style.
  • You could apply the same style to every cell on the row, if required.

Thanks for your response...
Sorry for the color combination :slight_smile: it was just an example and to express the difficulty I am having to have the selected row stand out....
so basically I cannot outline the selected row and need to implement something along the lines you mentioned ??


It's probably defined in the CSS theme somewhere. I had a look with the browser Developer Tools but couldn't see it.

ok... appreciate your help
