Ignition Perspective Landing Page/Start Up

Good morning team,

I am not sure how, but I changed my startup page.

Anyone have know how i can redirect it?

I tried adding a page to the startup but did not work.

def onPageStartup(page):

This is what we should see on start up.

This is what is coming up.

At the very least you are missing quotes around that page path.


I think maybe you can define it here:

The page with just "/" would be the first one to appear

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I suspect there's a couple issues here.

The startup page is the view you've got set up on the '/' page url on the perspective page configuration window. You can just modify that to the view you want.

Alternatively, this link will show examples on how to use the navigate function, but at the very minimum the Windows/Graphics/Overview you've put in there will require quotations around that string. Is that the folder structure you have under your views folder?

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I will try all of these. Funny thing it was working yesterday, but i was doing quite a few updates.

Now this is what I get everytime I open a designer window.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "function:onPageStartup", line 2, in onPageStartup
NameError: global name 'Windows' is not defined

caused by org.python.core.PyException

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "function:onPageStartup", line 2, in onPageStartup
NameError: global name 'Windows' is not defined

Ignition v8.1.33 (b2023101913)
Java: Azul Systems, Inc. 17.0.8

Ok, now this did work but the page is not zoomed out and you cannot zoom it in.

It comes up like this.

But should look like this.

Ctrl- ?

I use ctrl - mouse wheel.

And it does not work.


I think this is correct.

Maybe something to do with default size or Breakpoints

If you don´t find a solution on this forum for the zoomed part I would redo the page using same elements