Ignition Perspective Loads to White Screen Need Help

Hi everyone,

Iam facing an issue where my Ignition Perspective client loads but only shows a white screen, with no interface or content.

The gateway is running fine, and other clients are working properly, but this specific instance remains blank.

I have already tried clearing the cache, updating my browser and graphics drivers, restarting the system, and checking the logs, but I can’t pinpoint the issue. This started happening after a recent update,

so I suspect it might be a rendering problem, a missing dependency, or a configuration issue.

Has anyone else experienced this? Any troubleshooting suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Can you provide more information?

  • What browser are you using and what version?
  • What Ignition Version is being used?

I would recommend ensuring your browser is up to date or trying a different browser just to rule out that possibility!

And what OS is the client running on?

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Did it ever work? Make sure IE isn't your default browser. IE is not compatible with Perspective. Chrome should work. Perspective client launcher should also work.

Have you tried loading a page from the page configuration? Just right click on a page configuration and select "Launch URL"

My best guess is your default browser is Internet Exploder.

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