Ignition Perspective Mobile app + SSO

I'm having an issue (on android) where if I launch a perspective project on the mobile app that is behind an SSO identity provider, it will either fail to authenticate (going to a address like the browser does) or will successfully load the app, but in a web-client mode where I can't access the native mobile controls, such as the camera.

However, when I launch the same project with non-sso identity provider/authentication, the project launches in mobile mode.

My project checks on startup for what kind of client, and when I sign in on the app with SSO, it does not detect that the client is mobile, because of this web-client.

Is there something wrong with my identity provider? Or is this an android issue?

I tested this with a co-worker who has an iPhone and he didn't have this issue. I found a workaround, where you can click a downward arrow at the top of the screen to collapse the webUI to show the native app underneath, but it seems to be an android bug.

I'll send a screen-recording to support, just wanted to update for anyone else with this question.