Ignition Redundancy License Activation

I have a redundant server pair that requires an offline license activation as new modules have been licensed after purchase. Has anyone done this and what procedure have you used ? We are thinking the following

  1. Set Backup to Independent
  2. Set Primary to Independent
  3. Offline Lic unactivation
  4. Activate new Lic
  5. Swing control to backup
  6. Offline Lic Unactivation on Primary
  7. Activate new Lic
  8. Swing control back to Primary
  9. Set Redundancy back on

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks

You don't need activation, just refresh. No need to interrupt operations at all.

When the licenses are in place, be sure to install your new modules (if not already present) on the master while the backup is synchronized. That will install the module on backup simultaneously.

(Be aware that some modules' installation will force restarts of open designers.)

Even if the system is offline ?

Have you tried?

If it doesn't work, and you have to use activation after all, do not change any gateway roles. Just offline deactivate (let it go to trial mode), then offline activate.

I'd do the backup first, so if you can't finish in two hours, you won't have a process disruption.

Then when doing the master, you can fail over to the already-reactivated backup if the trial time is running out.

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Oh leave them Redundant, we have also poked at our Ignition contact so will see what they think. Will update after we make some moves.