we are facing an issue with Ignition SCADA Vision Client Web Browser component while displaying or loading the images associated with valid URL.
Ignition Scada Version we are using is Version: 8.1.39
Web Browser 5.1.39 (b2024040909)
Can you give an example of how it's supposed to look?
From the same PC as the client, can you access the same URL in Edge or Chrome? Does it look the same as Vision or does it work OK?
Edit: You might want to open the page in Chrome or Edge and inspect the images that are broken to see what URL it's trying to get them from.
we have provided URL - http://testsitdocuments/TLH/Test/TT2%20Subassembly/IGBT%20ST1000/IGBT/6DD-2001-P-11%20IGBT%20Assembly%20Process%20SOP%20SIT%20Rev%201.0%202/Select%20IGBT.png
and it is getting displayed like mentioned below
It looks to me like your vision client component is just too small and it's clipping off the bottom of the page. You can see the top of the photo in your original post.
i been able to access the same URL with client PCs web browser either crome or any other is working fine. however, when is run with ignition client web browser component it display partially but not fully. when we have a "Retry" button on a Ignition Client to refresh or invoke the link. then it started getting loaded few pixels. we have to keep doing it until this gets fully displayed on a web browser component
So is everything below the top table an image? (including the text on the left side?) You might want to reach out to support if it's not fully loading and you're just having to "refresh" it until it fully loads the image.
Why not just use a standard image component?
(just set the stretch to bounds to fit the image into the available space)
They're trying to display a web page that has some images on it, not a direct image if I understand correctly.
You're correct, it's just an image (PNG) file.