LMAO. Of course!!! I debug it in my mind before writing it…
@Kevin.Herron If Omron FINS is not coming with 8, any idea of when could we see something?
February 2019 - https://inductiveautomation.com/ignition/whatsnew
im ready for the beta!!
Will Perspective be the primary choice for visualization regardless of device?
Any missing features compared to the Vision module?
The what’s new page for V8 is pretty interesting. Wish I could go to ICC but someone won’t pay for it.
So if you have existing plants with current Vision / Mobile module - will license port over during upgrade to perspective? Or will they have to fork out new money for Perspective? If they have to buy a new license will there be a discount or trade in?
If you have an existing Mobile license you’ll have a Perspective Mobile Edition license in 8.0.
Vision remains Vision and will of course be usable and supported in 8.0.
@Kevin.Herron Perspective seems really amazing.
For Ignition 8, what are the new features in the gateway scope ? A new powerful opcua server is coming… but are there any news features for tags, history and alarms ?
Tags have been completely revamped with an eye towards performance, especially for massive (million+) tag systems, and when you have a lot of UDT definitions, and how changes to those definitions now workout without fully reloading every tag underneath in a disruptive way.
It's possible an Omron FINS module gets released in between 8.0 and 8.1 but it's too early to tell yet.
Need to see what the demands on my time are leading up to the 8.0 release. Post-8.0 my focus is supposed to return to drivers though.
For new projects, are there any arguments to use the Vision module instead of Perspective?
You may not be able to answer this, but do you know the impact Perspective has on Sepasoft? I assume Sepasoft components won't be compatible until they update themselves?
Perspective won't have 100% of the Vision components you have access to today. It's also possible that in some environments running a web browser isn't feasible or desirable for some reason? Things like fullscreen and access to window controls, for example. Native desktop companion apps with "kiosk" mode and other features will follow in 8.1+.
I don't know their dev timeline, but yes they have to develop a new set of components for Perspective. The Vision module will continue to work, and will work in parallel, though.
Tags have been completely revamped with an eye towards performance, especially for massive (million+) tag systems, and when you have a lot of UDT definitions, and how changes to those definitions now workout without fully reloading every tag underneath in a disruptive way.
Great news.
Even if the tags are called by name and not address? That would be a huge improvement.
Do you have a timeline on when the first beta will be available?
Do you mean when indirection or parameters are used in UDTs or something else?
There are signups for access, or will be if the link on that marketing page isn't live yet, and I'd guess it's at least 6 weeks out. Don't hold me to that
Will it affect the existing API's for SQLTagsManager in the gateway scope and common scope for Scalar Tags (not UDT's). My module is based on these class libraries, will they get compiled under the new version of Ignition without any problem?
Yes, the APIs have been affected. There's very little chance your module will run or compile without changes. Sign up for the beta
@Kevin.Herron I’m very interested by Ignition 8 new tag’s features for a new project. The design of our application will start very soon. We will stay with Vision for HMI but tags and associated data and properties improvements will be very welcomed. We are candidate for a beta or alpha. Where can we sign up for this?
Hope the JAVA DOCS library and SDK documentation will be updated for these new class libraries.