Ignition Vision Meter Object not displaying properly in Vision Client

New User here.

I was doing some testing with Meter objects. I was able to set one up in Designer and have it display how I wanted, but it will not display properly in the client application. When I make a change and push it to the client for a second it will show the proper range and tick sizes but then goes back to the initial default of 0-100. I read about deleting the contents of the .ignition folder under the local user profile but it had no effect. I also found if I close out of Designer, save the project then go back into it the gauge will have lost the settings i setup before closing it out. Other changes remain. The gauge display object appears to be broken..

Any advice?

Are you sure you don't have bindings (or style customization) applied to the relevant properties?
Are there any errors in the designer/client console when you open this window?
If you duplicate the problematic component, does it show the same behavior?
If you create a new one from scratch, does it behave the same?
What about on a brand new window?

There have been no customization made to the object. I created a new project and pulled it in and the problem persists. There are no errors. The numeric value in the middle does update, I just can't change any properties of the gauge and have them applied. I can duplicate the component from scratch and the problem persists. I tried a new project and added the same component to different tags and the same problem happened.

It's like that component is broken? I have uninstalled and re-installed the designer and vision client. I may just remove ignition all together from my test machine and try again.

Okay, I suspect I know what's happening.

Is the 'Property Filter' in Vision set to show all properties?

Are you testing by creating a meter component, then dragging some tag onto it?
If so, does the component end up with properties that look like this:

Note the chain/link icon, indicating that those properties have a binding. By default, when you drag a tag onto most Vision components, 'metadata' from the tag will also be bound - in this case, the engineering units are used as the low/high values for the meter. That means if you haven't customized the tag's engineering units, whatever value you're manually setting in the designer is being wiped out immediately as soon as the window opens and this binding evaluates.

(Apologies if you already knew about all of this, but it's the only way I can explain this inconsistent behavior. It's not really possible for a single Vision component to break - it's pretty much all or nothing, including the designer itself, because it's all the same technology/rendering stack "under the hood").

If all of the above is the issue, or you want to confirm - drag in a new meter component, and then drag your tag directly to the value property in the property browser. That will ensure no other bindings are created, just the direct one on the value property.

I still had the issue with no object being drug into it. Just plain object and all I changed was the low/high bound and tick size.

since this is in a test environment I think I'll uninstall ignition blow away the remaining items in the folder and start over.

I did not know about dragging it directly into the Data value property . That appears to be what my problem was.

Thank you!

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Nice, glad it turned out to be something simple.