IgnitionDemoV8 all_databases.sql

On a clean install of Ubuntu 18.04 and MYSQL 5.7.31 you can restore the “all_databases.sql” file through workbench just fine.

On a clean install of Ubuntu 20.04 and MYSQL 8.0.21 you get:

Importing all_databases.sql…
Finished executing script
ERROR 3554 (HY000) at line 2266: Access to data dictionary table ‘mysql.index_stats’ is rejected.
Operation failed with exitcode 1

Demo downloaded here: https://inductiveautomation.com/downloads/extra-material

There were significant changes in MySQL 8 and this is likely causing you the problems you are seeing, particularly in the ‘mysql’ database. However, it also looks like they dumped “all databases” and should probably dump only the items they use in the demo. This is also true for users upgrading MariaDB from 10.3 to 10.4.

I was able to remove all lines from “CREATE DATABASE mysql” to just before where it started “CREATE DATABASE oil” and could get it to import all the tables ok. It’s a little tedious, but you should be successful.

Oh ya that is what I did. I was just wanting IA to know, if they didn’t. I Don’t think it looks good if Demo is not working out of box. Permissions get whacked also if you just pick and choose lines throwing errors.


I too sail on the same boat. I have Mysql 8.0 and Ignition Demo for Version 8.0

Let me try to check the solution given by you.

Can you please upgrade the new "all_databases.sql" file which would work for "MySQL Workbenchv 8.0" ?