Hi , My Project is to upload and save the user image byte in DB and show it in perspective image component . While i am printing or writing it to tag the bytes i am fetching , Base64 byte but when i am writing it to a label or a source of image component i am getting integers .
I tried converting the image to base64 format also . Still not working and time to load is more .
Is there any way to fetch the raster format images from local machine ?
No. That is the kind of thing malware tries to do in browsers. Browsers go to great lengths to block that. If you succeed, and anyone finds out, you can expect that security hole to be closed quickly.
So is there any way to achive this ? And any idea on bytes thing I asked above ?
I recommend my (free) Blob Server module if you've put the images into your DB as blobs (not base64).
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