I know there is something simple that I'm missing but I'm suddenly having issues getting the image component to display the images I've loaded into the Image Management Tool.
I first upload a new image into Image Management Tool then select the path for the image component. The image shows up properly when viewing through Ignition Designer. When I save my changes and push the changes through, my Client will not show the image and only shows what looks like a broken link.
The weird part is I select any of the old images I've uploaded to Image Management Tool, then it will show up on Vision just fine. The problem only exists for new images I try to upload to Image Management.
Do the images not get pushed into the client PC/Gateway when I upload them?
Image management is a gateway resource. If you are publishing projects to a different gateway from your design environment, you will need to use a designer on that other gateway to load the same images there.
Thanks for the reply, Phil. Not sure exactly what's going on, but I also had an issue with my alarms. I would update the display path text for a particular alarm, but the alarm Table would still show the old text after saving and pushing the changes. Both of these issues were resolved after power cycling the gateway.
The alarm table will show the old text for any existing alarms that were triggered prior to the change. As for the image managment, I'm not sure what could have caused it. Are you on a fairly recent version? Sometimes there's lots of little fixes to things that may have been a regression in a particular version that get fixed in the next version and sometimes all the fixes are hard to keep up with since there's a new version about every 5 weeks (during normal release cadence and there's not a pending "major" upgrade waiting to come out).
Hey Michael, thanks for the response and information on the Alarm Table. I'll keep that in mind for the future. I bet that's exactly what I was encountering there.
The Image Management Tool issue i was having was quite odd. I'm still kind of unsure what was going on. Since the power cycle though, it's been working as it should.
Also, the version of ignition I'm using currently is 8.1.28.