Import/Export Problem with Over-ridden UDT properties


For this problem I have two UDTs, one inside of the other. Lets call the outside one “Outside” and the inside one “inside”. The outside UDT with the instance of the inside UDT over-rides some of the inside UDT properties. When the outside UDT is selectively exported by selecting and exporting in the tag browser it has all the over-ridden data shown in the csv file. However, when it re-imports the over-ride values are lost; viewing the instance of the inside UDT shows no over-rides (over-ride indicator dots are all gray again).

Ignition version is 7.5.1. I saw an earlier post saying this had been solved and that the tag type of the over-ride entries in the csv file was 11. In my csv file they show up as tag type 12. Changing them to 11 does not appear to help.

Any help appreciated!



Just so you know i did quick test and i am seeing the exact same thing. We are running 7.5.2 beta4.
Over-rides to a nested UDT do appear to import. I even tried to delete the outside UDT and import still no go.


Sorry for the slow reply. I’ve confirmed the problem, and will get back to you when we’ve fixed it (I expect within a few hours).



This should be fixed for 7.5.2. The previous issue was with overridden parameters, this problem has probably also existed the whole time. They should all work now.



Thanks. Appreciate the work you guys do to constantly refine Ignition.

