Import ignition tag directly from plc and still showing as bad

I have four tags which I have added. They are all Boolean tags. The values of all of them show up as Bad in red. The quality also shows Bad but its in black. When I hover over the quality the popup actually shows Good.
I have tried adding the same tags directly by browsing the plc and same results. I know the Boolean tags are correct with the paths and data types. Why are the values showing up as Bad?

Right click on the tag and select "Tag Diagnostics". Does it say anything interesting?

Also, if you're on a trial activation; reset trial.

No trial version.

Get the following for the diagnostics.

Since its showing NULL I tried to click on the value to give it value and get...

What kind of driver/device is the tag from?

Allen Bradley 1756-L84ES plc using standard Allen-Bradley Logix Driver. Other boolean values coming from this same PLC aren't having a problem. Other boolean tags within the same DB_Loading_Box_Gearbox_Motor are coming in fine as well. Its only these four tags.

If there's not already some kind of error in the logs, try setting the loggers you find for drivers.LogixDriver.Requests to DEBUG and then edit/save the device or a force a read.

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not sure how to do that.

I tried saving the device connection for the device again.

I also tried exporting boolean tag I know works, changing the tag path, and importing that back in and still no luck

Go to the gateway, then click on Diagnostics -> logs. Click on the cog icon, which is settings, then serach.

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Got are the results...

path segment error?

Doesn’t exist or External Access doesn’t allow read. If you found it in the browse then probably the latter; check the PLC program.

DB_Loading_Box_Gearbox_Motor in the plc program is set to Read/Write. The tag is definitely there. EnableIn, another boolean in that folder, comes in fine. Same with EnableOut. Every other tag with an '_' in the tag name is coming up as Bad. Seems like this could be the problem?

Is this looking directly at an AOI? AOIs are notorious for performance issues.

Uggg...Yes it is an AOI.

Do any tags work for this connection?

Yes, outside of these four they all work

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Most likely due to AOI. I did a workaround, created four new tags in plc, then tied the AOI tags to the four new ones. The new ones are coming over fine. If anything this was a good lesson on AOI's, using the logs to troubleshoot this, etc....thanks everyone for the help!