Importing KMS/KML data into ignition perspective Map using GeoJSON property

I followed the steps in the ignition manual to add GeoJSON Data and I was able to create a GeoJson map with a KMS/KML data that I downloaded as a Json file and later used to bind to that props/layers/other/geojson property.

The map is importing the data, however, the location markers seem to show no icon, they only show that "Mark" symbol and I'm unsure how to add an icon for the pins. I have even tried using an external URL in the script for an icon property but the locations show no data. Any ideas of why this is happening and how to fix it?

I was able to solve this by adding a marker property inside of the other > geojson > features (0-508), the property needed an icon, options and popup sub-properties to add the color modifiers.