Importing ".mdb" files to vision

Hello there !

I have a question and i'd like to get some tips from the community.

I have a computer in my network that generates a ".mdb" file with some informations. I'd like to get those informations and show them on a window created by the Vision.

Is there a way to import this file directly from this PC automatically and extract the information i want to show ?

Thank you for your help !

So these are microsoft access files? You can try this way if you have a SQL Server instance running -

Or you can see if there's a jbdc driver for Microsoft Access and directly connecting to Access that way though I can't say how viable this is but perhaps someone else here has done it.

But reading the file directly - unless it's plaintext like a CSV, I am guessing that won't be easy to just put into a vision application dataset/table.

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I would modify the original MDB to convert its storage tables into "Linked Tables" pointing at a proper database. So that the application seamless puts its data where Ignition can get it.