Incoherence in tag's timestamp when set "manually"

Hello folks,

I'm setting a memory tag using a BasicQualifiedValue, to force its quality and timestamp.
Basically, something like that:

qval = BasicQualifiedValue(val, qual, timestamp)
system.tag.writeBlocking([path], [qval])

I do get the proper timestamp in the tag browser, ie:

and when reading that timestamp specifically with

>>> Fri Dec 15 06:15:00 CET 2023

but reading the timestamp of the value shows what I assume was the time when the tag was written:

>>> Thu Sep 12 10:05:14 CEST 2024

So, basically, tag.timestamp != tag.timestamp.value,
That's highly unintuitive and had me scratch my head a while, wondering why I got different results when script-reading the tag and just looking at it in the tag browser.

Hm, it appears I got it wrong.
The tag in question was named "value", in an udt instance, and I was reading path/to/udt.value instead of path/to/udt/value.

Nevermind. Leaving this here anyway because it's always good to be reminded how easy it is to mess things up !