Input text field, using vision, will not write to the linked tag

I have a input text field liked to a memory tag.
The linkage is to the text property.

If I type in a new value thru the screen, I can see it in the input text property in the vision property editor. but it does not change the value of the tag.

If I type a new value into the memory tag, the screen value changes and the input text property in the vision property editor also changes.

What am I doing wrong?

Make your binding bidirectional.

Make sure you have bidirectional checked. This will allow the input to write back to the tag.

@ryan.white beat me :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have Bi-Directional turned on and Read/Write on?

In my binding I checked Bidirectional fallback Delay, leaving it set to 2.5. This did fix it. Thanks

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