Insert or update based on selected row

I know this is very old but I tried the code you suggested above to see if it works for me.
I’m trying to insert or update a row in the table based on if or not I find a similar value in an existing row.
Could you take a look and see what I’m missing or doing worng?

Either you haven’t provided the entire script, or r is undefined. Though I’m pretty certain that if this is the entire script you will get an error. I believe that r should be row

Post the entire script or at least all pertinent parts and use the preformatted text option (</> button) to post your code, as opposed to a screen shot.

Also you need to provide a column number or the column name as a string literal.

for row in range(data.rowCount):
    if data.getValueAt(row,'serialnumber'):
        #run update query
       #run insert query

This is my entire script
I replaced r with row but still won’t work

	if previousValue != currentValue and initialChange == False:
		laserdata ="[.]Laser_Sink_Number").value
		db = 'PostgreSQL'
		if laserdata == 'BARCODE READ FAIL':
			laser = 'Scan Failed'
			system.db.runPrepUpdate("INSERT INTO packtrack (generictime, lasertime, lasersink) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?)", [laser], db)
			laser = 'Scan Successful'
			table = event.source.parent.getComponent('packtrack')
			data =
			for row in range(data.rowCount):
				if data.getValueAt(row, serialnumber) == laserdata:
					system.db.runPrepUpdate("UPDATE packtrack SET lasersink=?, lasertime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE serialnumber=?", [laser, laserdata], db)
					system.db.runPrepUpdate("INSERT INTO packtrack (generictime, lasertime, lasersink) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?)", [laser], db)

as a note, the script works at:
if laserdata == ‘BARCODE READ FAIL’:

it deosn’t work from here down:
laser = ‘Scan Successful’

I changed two things:

The column name must be supplied as a string, or you need to provide the column index.

if data.getValueAt(row, 'serialnumber') == laserdata:

If you are receiving an error, what is it?

I don’t get an error
I changed the column as a string but still no good

I tried a different approach but it still won’t work and I don’t get any error:

	if currentValue.value == True:
		laserdata ="[.]Laser_Sink_Number").value
		db = 'PostgreSQL'
		if"[.]Laser_Barcode_Error").value == True:
			laser = 'Scan Failed'
			system.db.runPrepUpdate("INSERT INTO packtrack (generictime, lasertime, lasersink) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?)", [laser], db)
			laser = 'Scan Successful'
			system.db.runPrepUpdate("INSERT INTO packtrack (generictime, lasertime, serialnumber, lasersink) VALUES (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ?, ?)", [laserdata, laser], "ON CONFLICT (serialnumber) DO UPDATE SET lasersink=?, lasertime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE serialnumber=?", [laser, laserdata], db)	
system.db.runPrepUpdate(query, args, query2, args, db)

This isn’t valid syntax - you can only provide one query string and one set of arguments to runPrepUpdate. Barring anything else (once again: have you added print statements to verify the rest of your logic?) you should be sending a single SQL query. I’d highly recommend using multi-line strings to make your query more readable, as well:

if currentValue.value:
	laserdata ="[.]Laser_Sink_Number").value
	db = 'PostgreSQL'
		laser = 'Scan Failed'
		query = """
		INSERT INTO packtrack (generictime, lasertime, lasersink)
		system.db.runPrepUpdate(query, [laser], db)
		laser = 'Scan Successful'
		query = """
		INSERT INTO packtrack (generictime, lasertime, serialnumber, lasersink) 
		ON CONFLICT (serialnumber) DO UPDATE 
		SET lasersink=?, lasertime=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 
		WHERE serialnumber=?
		system.db.runPrepUpdate(query, [laserdata, laser, laser, laserdata], db)

please excuse my ignorance :slightly_frowning_face:, where would I see the print result?