Inserting a table column screws up other column bindings

I just tried using the "Add after" option to insert a new column into a table, but it screwed up all the bindings of columns to the right because apparently those bindings are stored based on column index, which doesn't get updated. The only way I can think of to fix that is by manually copy/pasting all the bindings from one to the next, which is a pain.

Version 8.1.36

What kind of binding is this? Or do you mean in the props.columns of a table? If so, yes, you will have to manually move them.

Sorry, yeah, it's props.columns

If all of the bindings are pulling from your query dataset, consider dynamically generating the entire props.columns list using the dataset's metadata. Some techniques:

(Whether you use my toolkit or not.)

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You could also just update to 8.1.39, where we fixed this undesirable behavior.


Huh. How did I miss that?

I'm not sure. Seems like you should spend some more time keeping up to date with all the minutiae of our development and release. :rofl: