I'm trying to use a calendar's Date value in a script that runs a named query to update a SQL table, but for some reason I keep getting an error "Cannot coerce value DateTimeIn" into type: class java.util.Data. Invalid date format."
I'm currently using the MM/dd/yyyyy hh:mm aa format, but is it just not possible to grab the date value and use it in this way?
Are you using a named query or a prepUpdate query? I recommend those first of all so you don't have to worry about the format of the date at all - as long as you are grabbing a Date (technically java.util.Date
or subclass thereof) property off of the component and inserting it with a named query / prepped query into a table with a datetime typed column Ignition handles the rest.
You definitely can use it this way. Can you show your script of what is being run here?
Edit: Sorry, I see you are using a named query. Show that - how are your parameters defined in the named query, and the script that calls the named query eventually to run it.
Yeah, I'm using a named query. Here's my script
data = event.source.parent.getComponent('Table').data
RecordID = system.tag.read("[client]GuardData/RecordID.Value")
if event.source.parent.getComponent('AppointmentTimeChk').selected == False:
AppointmentTime = data.getValueAt(0,9)
AppointmentTime = event.source.parent.getComponent('AppointmentTimeCal').date
if event.source.parent.getComponent('DateTimeInChk').selected == False:
DateTimeIn = data.getValueAt(0,5)
DateTimeIn = event.source.parent.getComponent('DateTimeInCal').date
if event.source.parent.getComponent('DateTimeOutChk').selected == False:
DateTimeOut = data.getValueAt(0,6)
DateTimeOut = event.source.parent.getComponent('DateTimeOutCal').date
#system.gui.messageBox(str(DateTimeIn), "Title")
CompanyName = event.source.parent.getComponent('CompanyNameTxt').text
TruckNumber = event.source.parent.getComponent('TruckNumberTxt').text
OrderNumber = event.source.parent.getComponent('OrderNumTxt').text
NumUnits = event.source.parent.getComponent('NumUnitsTxt').intValue
NumUnitsShipped = event.source.parent.getComponent('NumUnitsShippedTxt').intValue
parameters = {"RecordID":"RecordID", "CompanyName":"CompanyName", "TruckNumber":"TruckNumber","OrderNumber":"OrderNumber","NumUnits":"NumUnits","NumUnitsShipped":"NumUnitsShipped",
system.db.runNamedQuery("Guard Data/UpdateProductTruckData", parameters)
window = system.nav.openWindow('Guard Shack/GuardHome')
Ok, now please show how your named query is defined. Also what you show is a vision script so I would mark your topic vision, not perspective.
EDIT: Your parameters are wrong. It should be like parameters = {"AppointmentTime":AppointmentTime,...
to reference the variable. Otherwise you are referencing the string literal "AppointmentTime" which is not a valid date.
Your edit was the fix, thanks!
I knew that the named query worked, so I didn't think to include it, sorry.
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