I currently working on connecting the Ignition Gateway to the Influx database(V2.7.11) using a JDBC JAR file. The JAR file has been placed in the Ignition user lib/Jdbc path . After installing the driver in the Ignition Gateway, I encountered an error when attempting to establish a connection. I need not want kymera's module I want to connect using JDBC .
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I tried TDEngine,ran into a similar issue.
Any updates for this question ,
more than 13d no suggestion for this message.
Well post the error message for a start!
I above image shows the error when I need to configure influx dB in Ignition. Using the third party JDBC drivers, I can install the driver but need not configure dB connection
I would start with making sure your connection string is correct following the documentation.
While Installing driver I given class name -com.wisecoders.dbschema.influxdb.JdbcDriver and my connection URL- //HOST:PORT/DB?org=PARAM&token=PARAM2 , database - generic translator - ms sql . The driver is installed but when i go to congif- database new connection - i choose influx installed driver and created connection using URL //xx.xxx.xxx.xx:8086/OEE?org=Rkl&token=xxxxxxxxxx . I get an above error.