Installation of module on windows 10

Hi There,

I’m trying to write a script which is made to install Ignition automatically.

I’ve seen that I can run an automated installation by typing the follolwing command:

Ignition-7.x.x-windows-x64-installer.exe --mode unattended --prefix “C:\some folder” --unattendedmodeui none

net start ignition

However, I do not find a way to install my custom java module through the windows command line instead of using the web interface. Is that possible?

Best Regards,

I don’t know if this will be transferrable to Windows, but on linux, if you place your module file in the install subfolder along with the IA standard modules before startup, it’ll install your module with the rest. If the module was signed by IA, that’s all you need. If signed yourself, the module will be quarantined until the certificate is accepted.


Seems indeed to be as simple as that :smiley:

Thanks for the help!