Insufficient tag edit permissions - Bad_AccessDenied

Good afternoon to everyone.

I'm having some fun with Ignitnion 8.1, on my way through getting the credential.

I've come into trouble however, I'll see if I can explain:

1 - At the Gateway, my tag provider has both fields Tag Read Permissions and Tag Write Permissions empty. If blank, tag reads/writes for this provider will not be restricted by default.

2 - I've created a variable, named linePressure, integer type. I can edit this variable in Ignition Designer without problems.

3 - For this linePressure I've created a custom property named externalTemp, from type Number. Using Ignition Designer > Tag Editor I can change the value of linePressure and also from linePressure.externalTemp without problems.

4 - I then placed an input (Numeric Text Field) and linked it with linePressure var. I can edit normally in Ignition Vision Client.

The thing is: If I link this same Numeric Text Field with the property linePressure.externalTemp I can't edit anymore, I get :

Error writing "11" to tag [myTagProvider]linePressure.externalTemp Bad_AccessDenied("Insufficient tag edit permissions")

I have the same user into Ignition Vision Client and Ignition Designer.

This happens only if editing the property in Ignition Vision Client using the Numeric Text Field.

Any ideas?

Thanks so far.

Try enabling Tag Editing under Project Properties —> Vision Permission Properties —> Tag Editing


I thought those options were only to be enabled when you wanted to add Required Client Roles.

I checked (enabled) the Tag editing and left the textbox (Required Client Roles) empty.

That did the trick.

