Integrate Serial Module with Perspective session in a Client Machine

Hello! I am trying to use the Serial Module of ignition (Serial Modules | Ignition User Manual) to obtain data from a serial port "COM1" connected to a Client of ignition using perspective. I tried to use some scripting functions on the client (system.serial.openSerialPort(port="COM1") after configuring the port) but I am not able to read data from the port, as the error of "failed to open port: COM1" appears when I try to run that function. Is there something that I am missing to use the Serial Module of ignition? How can I read data from a client machine using that module of ignition?

Also I don't know where to specify which client is the one where I want to read the serial port from...

Thank you for your help!

All Perspective scripting executes in the corresponding session on the gateway. You cannot use system.serial functions to access serial ports on the machine running the Perspective client unless you happen to be running your browser on the same machine as the gateway.

Generally, if you need access to serial ports in your clients, you need to use Vision.